
Vedic Fitness & Nutrition

Reform into Your Fittest Self the Vedic Way

Ayurveda, a Timeless Tradition That Has Thrived for Millennia and Will Endure...

  • Lifestyle Revival

    For Busy You

    Empowering busy professionals with solutions for low energy & increased body fat

  • Your Parents

    Your Loving Family

    Reliable healing for your parents' chronic ailments while you pursue your life goals.

  • Men’s Course

    and Your Athletic Goals

    Unlock your potential for marathons and a remarkable physique through our expertise

An IITian turned Nutrition Consultant

Healing straight from written instructions of Vedas

Prashant is a graduate engineer from IIT Kharagpur with 7 years of working experience in the IT industry. He experienced several health ups and downs while working in back-straining desk jobs, earning bread & butter for his family.

Cured for Lifetime

Our Testimonials

Testimonial Image 1

Cured from Hyperacidity and lost 4kg of Gynoid fat in 3 months
Vrushali - Bangalore - From IT Sector

Testimonial Image 2

From no running history to achieving 21k marathon medal

Harsha - IIT Kharagpur Alumunus
Testimonial Image 3

Cured from 6 month old PCOD in just 1 month

Neha - from Gurgaon

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